Isn't and Aren't

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Which would you say is grammatically correct and can 1 and 2 both be correct? If so, what makes them both correct? I imagine 3 and 4 would definitely never be acceptable?

1 Not saying there isn't a few OCuK members in GD in awe of my thread because there is.

2 Not saying there aren't a few OCuK members in GD in awe of my thread because there are.

3 Not saying there isn't a few OCuK members in GD in awe of my thread because there are.

4 Not saying there aren't a few OCuK members in GD in awe of my thread because there is.
Not a grammar expert but in my opinion:

He is. They are.

Because you are talking about a few members (implying more than 1) you should use ‘are’ in both cases.
Reason I thought to make this thread is because I read a sentence written by a photographer, and I quote:

"Now I'm not saying that there isn't a lot of talented shooters out there with lightning fast reflexes that are able to catch that fraction of a second in time that make a truly stunning photo as no doubt there is."

So he's using singular for multiple people. But of course he might be grammatically wrong.
Isn't assumes you are talking about one person in this context, that doesn't work when right afterwards you are saying a few OcUK members. Aren't is the correct word to use in this context.
Some other observations, just in case it's a trick question:
- Starting a sentence with "Not" doesn't make sense, should be "I'm not" or equivalent.
- "OCuK" should be "OCUK", although sometimes they write "OcUK" because f consistency.
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