ISO27001 and Asset Tracking



30 Apr 2003
Working in a company that's been given the remit to pursue ISO27001.

SCCM has been suggested to us as a "go to" asset/config management platform which will tick a lot of the required ISO boxes once policies have been written around that?

Are there any alternatives? Is it something you'd recommend? Any other advice going into it?
Tends to be SCCM, Landesk or Bigfix I’ve seen in that area. Can often depend on what technologies you’re having to manage as to what’s the best fit.

There’s a ‘client management tools’ Gardner MQ to look at to get some other vendor names.
Great info thanks, Gartner's one of those things I always forget about until someone mentions it :D
It really depends what you are trying to do, and at what scale.

No ISO standard or ITSM framework states your CMDB must be some huge Gartner top right toolset. I say this as someone who has worked in many ISO20k and 27001 environments, both from a handful of people in a couple of offices up to 100k+ employees across nearly every continent and country.

By saying SCCM, I assume you’re after a level of auto discovery. Is that because your environment constantly changes?
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