Issue at Work

28 Nov 2005
Hey, im in a problem.. i think... anyways here is the story.

I work parttime (im at college when im not at work) in a kitchen i normally do about 20hours a week there... ive been there since september 2003. Anyway a few people in the kitchen have been given pay rises (im on 4.50) they are now both on more than me... one lad who has been there for 6month is now on 4.75 from 4.25.. (he is also part time) the other lad is full time and he is now on 5.10 from 4.80. me and this other lad james have been there the longest of the people that now work in the kitchen, and we do the same if not more than the ppl that have been given pay rises... so we are now with the potwash as the lowest paid in the kitchen. after i found this out i also found out that i wasnt to hear that these people had been given pay rises.. i dont know why, but this secrecy made me angry. also i heard that people thought i was leaving... which im not. and to top it all off they sacked a good friend of mine the other night.... even though he has one verbal warning, but nothing written.. am sure he could have a case regarding that? i dont know

but now im wondering should i talk to the manager about this.. and should i expect a pay rise.. which i think i should... but if he makes up some excuse not to give me a pay rise.. can i stay there knowing i do the same as other people who havent been there as long as me and who are being paid more than me?
but im a bit worried how i was good friends with the lad sacked.. and nobody really liked him because he was a bit silly.. so everyone targeted him when he made the slightest mistake... and i think he has been sacked by pressure of people that work out front... all the waitresses that seem to think they own the place.. but now i fear they could turn against me because i was his friend... but that would be no ground to sack me? ive had no warnings for the near3year i've been there...
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