Issues with forum and logging in.

18 May 2010
Any one been having issues with the forums the last few days?

The issue I have been seeing on my Windows 10 PC with Firefox, Chrome or Edge is when I login it either behaves as if it logs me in with out actually doing so or if it does log me in (and I see I am logged in in the top right) as soon as I go to say read my alerts or write something it says "you need to be logged in to do that" .

Rinse and repeat. Indefinitely.

Atm I am on my Ubuntu PC using Firefox and it seems to work.

Will try the windows PC again later.


OK, similar behaviour exists on this Ubuntu Firefox PC as well. I'm likely I am even able to write this.

The process was, login and write this. Navigate the forums and see it has logged in out. Log back in and write something, it then says you need to be logged in logging write this.

I'm sure soon enough it will log me out again.


Yup it repeats.

I saved the above, then clicked edit to make changes and it made me sign in again.

I am going to guess there is an issue with cookies perhaps?
you on www. rather than forums. ?

I been using this:

What's the correct url?


Just to post this it made me log in again and then it immediately logs me out.

Then Iog in again to post this update.

It'll probably ask me to login again when I press the save changes button.


Almost every action on the forums requires me to login again.
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