Issues with O2 network?

31 Aug 2007
Guys, anyone having any problems getting onto the net with O2 contract iphones?

This last 2 days I have had very intermittent coverage at best, even in good areas. Just wondering if anyone else is having any issues?

For info, I keep seeing 'Could not activate cellular data network' message, which is weird considering I have had everything from the GPRS logo to the EDGE and 3G logos when this message has appeared.

I have tried to reset the network settings, but it's still the same.

Any ideas?
Yes I've had this today too.

NOT impressed.

Going to go into an O2 store on Monday and say oi. Not what I expect from a £35 contract esp when my T-Mobile one never failed.
Ah, at least it's not just me then! I thought my phone was going faulty. Guess those muppets at O2 are having network 'issues' then :rolleyes:
I've been having reception problems with O2 quite a bit lately TBH. Had my iPhone swapped over once and still the same, spoke to O2 and they said nothing is wrong with the network.
yeah, mines been useless all day in the city, couldn't make calls, check email etc. Combined with the <1 day battery life and i'm seriously not happy. A return to vodafone/BB is on the cards I think.
to be honest O2's network is a heap of rubbish in general, I've had the misfortune of recently doing some consulting work for them recently and it's just confirmed what I suspected, they're cheap and their network's rubbish as a result...

The purported news a while back that O2 could be loosing exclusivity sometime soon is great in my opinion, I'd move my iphone to any other carrier in a heartbeat (ok, that's a lie, any other carrier that isn't t mobile)
O2's 3G network sucks. I thought there was a problem with the iPhone because I'd never seen a download rate above 400kbps... but I randomly got 1200kbps in Manchester Piccadilly the other day, which shifts the blame back onto O2's stupidly oversubscribed network.
Had no issues with the data service, my friend who was in the area near me was having issues and texted me about it but all was well at my end.
my guess is o2 were willing to give up more for vodafone, and apple weren't really too concerned with actually going with the best service provider
my guess is o2 were willing to give up more for vodafone, and apple weren't really too concerned with actually going with the best service provider

Indeed, if you look at the number of smartphones O2 are getting exclusive deals on they've got to be giving up a fair bit.

Other networks are better (actually if you look at ofcom's coverage maps for 3G it's more accurate to say no other network is as bad) but orange don't seem to like data services much (which may just be responsible use of a network which isn't up to it) and Vodafone came so close to going bust a few years ago I can't imagine they want to offer Apple (or anyone else) much of a deal.

It seems like a big mistake on Apple's part though, I was standing in London Bridge the other day and couldn't get any data access at all - I know it's O2s rubbish network at fault but less technical users could easily blame the iphone...
I've been noticing terrible issues when trying to make calls. Regardless of what other mates on o2 I call, it goes straight to their voicemail for about the first three goes. Eventually it goes through. Now I know these folks were not on the phone and had full signal as it was a test we were carrying out. Very strange indeed and annoying if you need to get in touch urgently.
I've been noticing terrible issues when trying to make calls. Regardless of what other mates on o2 I call, it goes straight to their voicemail for about the first three goes. Eventually it goes through. Now I know these folks were not on the phone and had full signal as it was a test we were carrying out. Very strange indeed and annoying if you need to get in touch urgently.

It is a known issue, from what I last heard when I was doing some work with O2, it's suspected to be a communication issue at the RNC apparently. Not that it helps you...
Well im starting to right down the dates where it doesn't work and where that was.

Eventually im sure it will get to a point where I can do, oi, some kind of refund I think...
Well im starting to right down the dates where it doesn't work and where that was.

Eventually im sure it will get to a point where I can do, oi, some kind of refund I think...

I'm 99% certain that your contract will state you're not entitled to any kind of refund, certainly not for data services, probably not even for voice. Business customers might be but not personal accounts I'd imagine. Sure you can leave but they've got all the good handsets and I suspect they well know it...
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