IT contracting/bods question

12 Apr 2004
How do I go about getting security cleared so that i can work on military sites? I used to be security cleared when i worked for an outsourcing company, but it was them that put me through and ran out after i left them, I know all about filling in the process etc but dont know where to start.
I wouldnt mind being cleared so i can widen my contract oppertunities.


Is there that much oppurtunity?

All the SC work I've ever done was as a permanent employee, and when i was in those positions i found that i didnt work with many contractors....
Visage said:
Is there that much oppurtunity?

All the SC work I've ever done was as a permanent employee, and when i was in those positions i found that i didnt work with many contractors....
You mean you're paid to post?

Drums, cymbals, cliff.
I've found that there are loads of contractor jobs that require SC, but because of the time it takes (I've been generally quoted three months) you can't get one of them without already having clearance.

Similarly you can't get the clearance without having a job that requires it and being sponsored though by your employer.

I'm hoping to do a few weeks consultancy to one of my inlaws later this year that will get me clearance. Places like the UKPO are taking on all sorts of contractors in preparation to passport process changes and the arrival of ID cards.
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