It finaly arrived :D :D :D

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Further to this thread, my Samsung SP50L7HX 50" DLP arrived today. I took the day off work today, and hastily set her up. Here's a quick phone pic, ignore the spaghetti of wires behind, I just quickly set it up as it'll all be moved soon as I'm re-decorating at the weekend:


Well what can I say? It's a stunning piece of kit, that pic doesn't do it anything like any justice. It just looks incredible, and that's even before it's switched on.

When I finally did power it up, if I'm honest I was a little underwhelmed, I went straight to an SD source and it didn't look great. Colours and contrast were amazing, but it really showed up the weaknesses of the SD signal. I was coming from a 28" Sammy CRT, and that gave a great picture on SD stuff. The same signal at 50" looked pretty dire in comparison. I messed about with the picture settings a bit, and managed to improve the picture quite a lot on SD.

I then gave some HD stuff a go (Telewest TV drive). All I can say is WOW. This set really comes into it's own with a HD signal. Some of the BBC's stuff is absolutely stunning, really incredible. It's amazingly crisp, and the colours just leap out at you, the image almost looks 3D at times it's so real. I'm hugely impressed.

I then gave the Xbox 360 a go. OMG, it's just awesome. Fight Night 3 is damn near photo-real, and Burnout 3 is just so intense and insane, I found myself ducking and diving from all the wrecked cars as I plowed through them :D

All in all, I'm very happy :cool:
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I think a lot of people under estimate rear projection tvs, when i was picking out mine your exact model was set up in a store and lots of people where walking past it commenting on how crap the picture was. But of course that was cause the store in question had a SD signal running through it, these tvs are built for hidef, people need to look forward not back.

I've got a Sagem Axium 45" Rear Projection and i can honestly say its the best purchase I've made in my life. I looked at yours when buying mine but i didnt have enough money at the time which i think was around 1800-2000? how much did you get yours for?

Anyway enjoy your purchase :cool:
Huge!!! :eek:
Looks nice! You got any pictures of it running HD feeds or Xbox 360?
How much if you don't mind me asking? :D
The Mad One said:
how much did you get yours for?

I paid £1599 delievered, including an extended on-site warranty.

Ugley_Matt said:
whats the viewing angle like on it?

Pretty good actually, they have a reputation for bad veiwing angles, but I find it pretty good. It's not so great in the vertical, it pretty much dissapears if you stand near it and look downwards, but you would never need to do that anyway.

In the horizontal it stays pretty much spot on unless you get to any really silly angles.

Andy298 said:
You got any pictures of it running HD feeds or Xbox 360?

I'll try and get some later :)
If you have the space to accomodate a rear pro set they are fabulous ( and preferably if you are siting the set on the ground floor as they are usually very heavy) and the size you can get for the price is astounding, just remember to remember every four or five years you may have to get a change of bulbs - mine were certainly getting a little worn after having my 41" Sony rear pro for nearly 5 years , I then sold it and moved to HDLCD as I moved into a flat on 3rd floor

That Samsung looks fabulous though
FrankJH said:
they are usually very heavy

Mines not, its actually pretty light, but still needs 2 people to carry it just cause of its sheer size (even tho i carried mine across the room by myself and im a weakling!)
The Mad One said:
Mines not, its actually pretty light, but still needs 2 people to carry it just cause of its sheer size (even tho i carried mine across the room by myself and im a weakling!)

The DLP/3LCD (if you're using a Sony) sets are pretty slim and light compared to the old back projection units. A 50" 3LCD is only 12" deep compared to the 18"+ of my 36" Panasonic CRT set. They are also under half the weight.
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