"It just works"?

28 Nov 2008

Have Apple ever managed to take advantage of their we make the hardware and the software situation (which they do not hold back on harping on about), and actually ship products without serious show-stopping issues?

Of course they have, I know - but I am quickly starting to forget those times which were now so long ago.

iPod casings, iPhones 2G and 3G (umpteen dozen software related issues and several with the 1st gen iPhone hardware), this generation and the last generation of iMacs, HUGE problems with all of the new unibody Macbooks and Macbook Pros, and now a fairly critical problem with the new Mac Pros.

Paying for superior quality? I use Macs because they "just work"? Hmm.


[iPhone owner, three times Macbook owner]
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Had a unibody since the release date and no issues at all
Google for "unibody wifi sleep", "unibody freeze on wake". Recall the click problems with the multi-touch pad, even more click problems with trackpads, and the still persisting "3.5 finger" click required in Bootcamp, Macbooks crashing when used with the Mac keyboard? Fan whine problems? The HDMI fiasco that wouldn't allow you to play video via the DisplayPort as it thought everything you tried to play was "unlicensed"? Problems sensing the power adapter (and not going into charge mode)? Oh, must not forget the cracking iPhone housings. Or how about the so-slow-it-is-unusable-without-a-restart typing bug in pre-2.0 iPhone firmware? Oh, and remember when Apple published an update which BROKE mail fetching completely? This went unpatched for a good few months.

I'm sure everyone remember the MobileMe problems, including push not being fully implemented until about 3 months ago.
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"unibody wifi sleep" - Never had that problem with mine
"unibody freeze on wake" - Again not a problem here
"Click problem" - Not noticed this although I do usually tap and not click
"3 Finger Click" - Yes got this issue in bootcamp
"Keyboard crash" - Don't use the mac keyboard so don't know
"Fan" - Apart from it tending to get a little warm in bootcamp nothing noticed
"Sensing power adaptor" - not noticed this
"HDMI" - I use the Display port to dvi > hdmo dongle and not noticed any display issue on my hd tv

Just because you didn't experience, or don't use a broken feature, doesn't render a substantial number of those (majorities in most cases) who did void :rolleyes:
Wow, a hardware product has problems.

Let's get the flares ready.
I wasn't simply pointing out "a hardware product has problems". If you think that, you should spend more time reading the opening post before trashing the thread.

I was poking at Apple and Apple fans for their "It just just works" tag line. Also for Apple harping on about them being at advantage (over other vendors like Microsoft) because they develop the hardware AND software, so they have "less problems" - this is simply not the case.

I half-expected a response like this from someone with Steve Jobs in their signature.
Anyway even if it was it refers to the software and hardware working together out of the box. See:
Yes, but my point is that recently, Apple products consistently have not worked out of the box. I'm not talking about random web cam or printer - I am talking about the chipsets, touchpads, casings that they ship with. The stuff Apple put together.

Why am I being gunned down for making an observation?
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You seem to have a habit of making sweeping unsubstantiated statements. Please, link some statistics that demonstrate they have more problems than other laptop manufacturers.
I did: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13645287&postcount=5

The underlined phrases are links, by the way.

Google for "unibody wifi sleep", "unibody freeze on wake". Recall the click problems with the multi-touch pad, even more click problems with trackpads, and the still persisting "3.5 finger" click required in Bootcamp, Macbooks crashing when used with the Mac keyboard? Fan whine problems? The HDMI fiasco that wouldn't allow you to play video via the DisplayPort as it thought everything you tried to play was "unlicensed"? Problems sensing the power adapter (and not going into charge mode)? Oh, must not forget the cracking iPhone housings. Or how about the so-slow-it-is-unusable-without-a-restart typing bug in pre-2.0 iPhone firmware? Oh, and remember when Apple published an update which BROKE mail fetching completely? This went unpatched for a good few months. Mail for goodness sake!

I'm sure everyone remember the MobileMe problems, including push not being fully implemented until about 3 months ago.
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But they are all incidences of occurrence that you're attempting to pass off as evidence of consistently being the case.
Most of these "problems" have affected a majority of users. Everyone uses the same Apple software. If Apple publish a "firmware fix" for a problem, you can bet that the problem exists in everyone's Macbook/iPhone whatever. Unfortunately, unless you were browsing the Apple forums at the time of the said problems, you'll no longer be able to see the threads as they have been removed (when they get too big and angry).

Go and browse Dell's forums, for example, and you'll see a whole lot worse. Support forums are where people go when things go wrong, not when things are right.
Why should I browse Dell's forums? This is about Apple, and "It just works."
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How do you know this? That these problems are affecting the majority? Simply, you don't.
From the sheer numbers of people who post in threads on the Apple forums when they do come about. Or, like in some of the articles I have linked to, where journalists have done this research.

I don't expect you to browse Dell forums. My point is that all laptop manufacturers have quality issues.
Ok, nice point. Make your own thread about Dell.

Again with the 'it just works quote' which has been discussed. You're basically trolling in a very childish way.
Ah, the old "you're trolling response". Only the be handed out when one is caught flat-footed or without response.
Because it refers to a system which is configured out the box with applications, drivers etc. , as was discussed earlier in the thread.
That is the whole point I am trying to make! Very often over the last 2 years, these "drivers etc" haven't worked first time! There are increasingly substantial and increasing problems with recent Apple products, compared to their past.
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