IT Strategy



27 Feb 2004
I know very little about networks, at work I basically have 3 pc's and a photocopier connected to a netgear adsl modem with wireless for 3 laptops. For backups I have a harddrive enclosure with 2 hd's in a raid array connected to one pc and an older portable hard drive for the backup connected to another.

Out of the above pc's & laptops only 2 pc'c are being backed up. Documents are split up between the pc's and its a stuggle trying to find a document as we cant remember which pc\laptop its on never mind the lastest version as older copies can be on more than one pc\laptop.

What I need is something which has a central location for all documents and a secure backup for data. If I lose the data one of the pc's then I'm up the creak without a paddle.

I need some help with what kit i need to give my IT a kick up the backside with ability to upgrade ie add more pc's and laptop and above all the knowledge that my infomation backed up and secure.
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