It Takes Two - 2 controller issue?

29 Jul 2010
I've recently purchased It Takes Two on Steam and we started playing it yesterday, but I can only get 1 controller and keyboard to work not 2 controllers.

I'm using a wired X-Box controller and for the second I plugged in a wired Stadia controller. The PC recognised and installed the Stadia controller as soon as I plugged it in but it doesn't respond within the game.

Anybody else know of this issue and/or a fix?

I found a post on reddit about installing spacewar in steam and disabling steam controller input from the options, which seemed to help a lot of people, but it didn't work for me.

Thanks, I did try that but it didn't work, though

Following, as interested in getting this for Mrs and myself to play with 2 xbox controllers - hoping you get it resolved!

I have solved it this morning.

It was just a setting within steam in the end, needed to go to Steam/Settings/Controller/General Controller Settings and tick the box for the 'Generic Gamepad Configuration Support' - which was the Stadia pad. The X-Box one was already ticked obviously.

And now both controllers are recognised in It Takes Two *thumbs up*
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