It used to be so much fun.......

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Here is the clue according to feek's own word

If the current level of posts in here is an indication of where the world is heading towards, I'd like to book a flight off of this planet now please.
Well, there goes the only other true gun toting member here....

Sorry to see you go, please keep my e-mail in your address book though.

I genuinely sad to see you go Feek. It won't be the same without you.

I still havn't got used to the fact that your not an admin.

As much as I like and respect Feek I have to disagree with his (and others) hatred towards the "spam" threads in GD. I quite honestly enjoy a lot of them... Shock horror.

Most of us use our brains flat out for 8-10 hours a day while working. I find it refreshing to switch off and giggle at the absurdity of some of the comments made here. When I see a thread that doesn't interest me I simply hit the "back" button.

Of course there will always be threads which I too find pointless. But i'm sure there are others out there who are enjoying them, whether they are contributing to them or not.

Regardless... If this is genuine Feek, then you will be missed. Bye matey, it was nice knowing you. :)
Mohinder said:
Seems very drastic to do this just because GD's at a low. It'll come back up.

It'd be nice if you'd come back when it does, 'cause it's a shame to see you go dude.

It's not just GD though...



TTFN Feekypoos
So you are leaving because you don't like one of the sub-forums anymore? There is more to these forums than GD you know ;)
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