It was a calm and foggy night



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast




And just toying with mirroring, think it works..


Anyone else got fog tonight? :D
Thanks! Number 2 is the walkway you see in the BG of number 3 :)

I now take my cam with me everywhere really, sod the size!

I normally do, but I had to be parked up in Tilbury for 3 hours where I couldn't get back to my car the other day so it stayed at home.

For those that don't know Tilbury is a "slightly" rough area :eek::o
Ah sounds like Rowner down these parts in which case I fully understand!

This one time I was shooting fog in Rowner and some guy walks buy and says I better keep an eye on the camera else someone would nick it!
Ah sounds like Rowner down these parts in which case I fully understand!

This one time I was shooting fog in Rowner and some guy walks buy and says I better keep an eye on the camera else someone would nick it!

Indeed, worrying isnt it? :(

I normally badger someone into coming with me armed with a keyboard incase things get rough :p
Only one way to find out :)

You could get some eerie Silent Hill feel!

Mp4 it's largely due to longer exposures to imprint the light beams and rays onto the frame!
Some nice shots there! Number 2 is the pick of the bunch for me.

Don't personally think the mirroring works that well but that's mainly because of the V from the top right down the middle. If you cut a bit out of the middle it would improve it.
Thanks! I wasn't too sure about the mirroring but sitting back thought it worked but will continue to experiment :)

The 2nd one the left side is Portsmouth Harbour, you would normally be able to see Spinnaker Tower but the fog is too thick!
brilliant work :)

looks kind of Sin City esq. too

P.S never had a chance to look at your site before, some fantastic work on there, what camera you using if you dont mind me asking?
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