Itouch 16gb problem

4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
basically whats happening is the touch screen keeps stopping working and nothing sorts it out. Anyone come across the same problem?
latest, its a week 38 model which on the apple forums has had some problems (same with week 40s) :S

Getting an exchange 2moro
I am sure you've tried but first, try restarting it... Hold the home button and sleep/wake button until it asks you to slide the turn off. Do that then do the same again to turn it on...

If that doesn't work try restoring the software on the ipod from itunes.

If all this doesn't work book an appointment to see a genius at

Tried that and already got the replacement sat in front of me. I work at the store I took it to and bought it from so knew what information to get before hand to get a replacement instantly.

Go onto the apple website, make an apple account or login (i own a macbook so logged in), check warranty information on your ipod touch and follow the steps to diagnose the problem. If its hardware you get the choices of taking it into a local apple shop to have the same done to it (none near me), have a courier come pick it up after about 2 days for HQ inspection or take it back to the retailer.

The later option saves a lot of time hehe
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