its been quite a week!

21 Oct 2002
Everything was OK until last Wednesday when I found myself near Overclockers and I decided to pop in and buy an ATI crossfire edition 1900 card to make my system crossfire.
Having installed the card the first problem was a high pitched signal from the mobo when running 3d applications. Then the Asus A8R32-MVP died on me. I ordered a new one, installed it but the new graphics card still screamed at me.
I spent most of today fiddling with different settings, drivers etc and finally the digital input on my Viewsonic 20" went kaput on me!

So, it looks like I'm going to RMA: 1 motherboard, 1 graphics card and 1 monitor!
I'm going to bed...its safer there!
Zefan said:
My 6800gt screams when I don't have a molex plugged in. You sure your PSU is up to the job of supplying both those cards?
Im using a Tagan 580W, I would have thought that could handle it?
Raikiri said:
Looking at the PSU calculator thing it is pushing it, how many HDs do you have? Also optical drives/CPU voltage/fans etc?
2 SATA hdd's
2 optical drives
cpu voltage is 1.5v, Ive modded the case slightly so there are 4 input fans and 2 output fans. Do you think Im pushing it then?
Raikiri said:
Well thats almost exactly what I put (1.5v, 2 fans and 3HDs, -1HD + 4 fans is basically the same) and it came out with 556w
that sounds to me like too close a margin. So what should I go for?
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