18 Oct 2002
MY THESIS IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Handed it in just 10 minutes ago, 3 days early... well I have a mountain of other assignments to do :(

I'm going to wait 15 minutes (I'm not a drunkard so I'm waiting to pm...) and then i'll grab a beer from the fridge, 3pm I've got my last lecture and I want to make sure I'm drunk for that! Can't believe its done.


20,000 words
2 Programs
14,500 lines of code
4.2GB of output information
>800 man hours
>10,000 computer hours! (running across 2 dozen computer for weeks on end adds up!)
11 draft copies
27 printed copies: 7 in colur, 20 in B&W
84 pages (compressed)
67 Sections and subsections
103 figures and tables
4 Appendices
5 packets of 16 tablet paracetamol
X hundred liters of tea and coffee
too many 18 hours days to shake a stick
5 X ~36 hour work stints with no break
A single 67 hour day split by a 4 hour sleep period
To many headaches, late nights, early starts, missed lunches, skipped lectures, skiing days missed

But hopefully there is a PHD lined up for me now!
yep!! :D
Tomorrow I'm finally going to celebrate my birthday which was 2 weeks ago.
Girlfriend arrives from california on wednesday, not seen her in 8 months. Thursday we are going to a Ball and I plan to get entirely rat-arsed. Friday we're going to do something for St Patricks day,
Sunday we're going skiing in scotland checking out all this fresh powder.

Just got to somehow find motivation to finish my last few asisgnments.!
I always giggle when I read that word :p

Congratulations on getting it done - it certainly sounds like you put a lot of work into it. When d'ya get the results back?

MoNkeE said:
I always giggle when I read that word :p

Congratulations on getting it done - it certainly sounds like you put a lot of work into it. When d'ya get the results back?


Hopefully get results back in a few weeks. They have to mark it with a week or 2 and give me an oral examination thingy.
VeNT said:
upload it so we can all read it and randomly quote it in replys to you.

I'll try and ipload it later, but if anyone is really interested here is the abstract and introduction:

A spatially-dispersed GA with co-evolutionary methodology was developed to
artificially evolve temporal-parameters for a spiking neural-model of the cricket auditory system
capable of performing phonotaxis. Male chromosomes containing genes that encode for the
temporal properties of calling songs were simultaneously evolved in the co-evolutionary model.
The application of A.I. modelling to the evolution of cricket species and their mating behaviour is
reviewed. The GA model produced discrete spatial groupings of individuals, which had distinct
genetic code within the male and female chromosomes. Networks with neural-parameters set
by the female chromosome’s genes showed a higher phonotactic performance when responding
to songs produced by males within that group than to songs produced by males from other
groups, supporting conspecific preference of calling song. However, this e ect varied greatly
between groups and trials. The algorithm’s behaviour is complex, dynamic and chaotic, with
highly dimensional data necessitating complex analysis. The resulting analysis does not provide
a clear or concise synopsis of the behaviour and has left some open questions that would require
further research.

1. Introduction
1.1 Project Outline
The primary aim of this project was to develop a ‘leaky integrate-and-fire’ spiking neural network
(NN) algorithm, as well as a Genetic Algorithm (GA) capable of evolving neuroethologically
inspired networks for simulated cricket phonotaxis- the behaviour of female crickets to acoustically
locate a proximal calling male for breeding purposes. The evolved NNs are designed to
control a biorobotic female cricket model that has previously been developed [37, 35], but the
hardware version could not be implemented within the scope of this project.
Biorobotics often studies and models insects as the basis of research, mainly because they
are relatively simple in both physiology and in neurology, and yet display complex and adaptive
behaviour which is not yet fully understood. They are comparatively easier to model mechanically
in a robot and have simpler sensory systems than other organims (e.g. insect eyes are less
developed than mammalian eyes), and they posses limited neurological capacity. This makes
them a realistic model for biorobotic researchers.
A GA is a heuristic used to find approximate solutions to dicult-to-solve problems through
the application of principles of evolutionary biology to computer science. GAs use biologicallyderived
techniques such as inheritance, mutation, natural selection and recombination (crossover),
and are a particular class of evolutionary algorithms [49]. GAs and evolutionary methods are
vital for the production of complex neural-circuitry and robotic controllers because of their inherent
complexity. The vastly complex and dynamic relationships between neural circuits and
the environment they inhabit make them extremely difficult to design by hand [10, 30]. GAs
are an excellent method for optimisation problems in complex and noisy search-spaces where
the search-space is poorly understood, and are commonly used to fine-tune systems with a large
number of parameters [49, 16, 27, 28]. Furthermore, GAs can be used to study the processes of
evolution itself: population dynamics, the effects of sexual selection, importance of mutation,
coevolution [15, 2], adaption, and convergence and divergence of species [12, 28, 19]. Kortmann
and Hallam [25] have suggested that a controller created by evolutionary means could indeed
account for evolutionary adaptation of behaviour and divergence observed in a natural system,
and particularly with robotic models of cricket phonotaxis.
The GA used in this project differs from the canonical form [16, 27] in that the chromosomes
have spatial representations and mating strategies [15, 8, 39, 34]. These were used to investigate
the dynamics of evolution such as co-evolution [15, 2, 18, 48], speciation and niching [6, 7, 39],
the emergence of differing calling song patterns, the coevolution of male song production and
female response behaviours, and interspecies interaction [1]. Known evolutionary cricket data
[31, 1, 26, 43, 20] is used to support these results.
I have every admiration for you and people who can pull these off!

My wife's thesis was on 'Molecular and Neuro Biology" or something - I read the first page and put it down cos I didn't understand a word! :D

Congrats on the finish and good luck on the oral exam thingi! Enjoy everything else you have planned after as well. (8 months not seeing your girlfriend - i'm sure the whole country will hear the reunion!! ;) )
Congrats, nice one :) Reading your caffeine consumption and lack of sleep brings back memories

I must say, from reading the introduction that looks like an interesting topic. I touched upon NN and GA's during my dissertation in finding solutions to combinational games, I wish I had the time to really research them.
marcus25 said:
what was the thesis on?

see above,
basicially I used a computer algorithm that is based on the fundamentals of evolution, called a Genetic Algorithm. GAs are used for a wide variety of function optimisation problems. I used the GA to evolve the neural-temproal parameters of a neural network of the auditory processing part of a cricket brain. This is basically a model of a part of the brain. Instead of using the popular Artificial Neural Networks, I used a more biologically correct model based on the the membran potential, action potential synaptic depression/habituation etc. e.g. modelling the elecrical potentials in model neurons. The network structure was based on those suggested by neuroscience research on crickets.
This nerual network can control robot cricket models if desired.

The main aim was studying how the different paramters evolve to try and understand some parts of evolution, basically how communication has evolved. Male crickets make that chirping song which would sound a bit like this |||| |||| |||| |||| e.g. pulse grouped together into what is called chirps. Different species use different song patterns. And females are attracted to only the song pattern of the correct speicies of male. Therefore, I coevolved male cricket songs and the neural network of the female response mecganism in such a way that I could study the evolution.

I was sudying the effects of mutation, inter- and intra- species dynamics, scpecis interaction. etc. I didn't conclude anything ground breaking but have set the way for future research. There are several Masters and PhD students around the world interested in carrying on this research, and I might do it at PhD level in any case.

Here is a graphical representation of a population (also see

You can see those different coloured groups. They are different species of model male crickets. There are 3 main temporal properties of the male calling song which map directly onto the RGB colour-space making it easy to visualise the population. Female cricket models of prefer the song from males within those groups.
PArt of me really doesn't want to do a PhD, given the **** I have been through in the last year- 3 years of it would be a nightmare.

But then, this stuff is so interesting to me as it combines all my favourite areas. Neural networks, Genetic Algortihms, evolution, neuroscience, robotics etc. As my supervisor said, I have basically laid out the groundwork for a PhD and if I don't do it then someone else will take my work and claim all the credit.
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