It's time to say good bye to the goodest of boys

16 May 2004
Unfortunately I will be saying my last good night to my boy later this afternoon. He is 11.5 and had a great life. Full of fun, love, comfy beds and sofas, getting under my feet, drooling at the kids high chair on 3 occasions now hoovering up dropped food.

He will be greatly missed.

About a month ago he started to bring up food after eating, a few weeks ago he was bringing up clear slime after drinking. He has lost lots of weight, muscles deteriorating fast, not him self. He doesn't appear to be in any physical pain but we know he's not feeling well. Blood test came back with result that point to effect from nausea and sickness so nothing too serious, if thats the right word.

He has not eaten the last two days, drinking to replace lost liquid from bringing up the clear slimy goo.

I decided to call it last night at 3am. Yes, we could take him back to have a scan, x-ray more tests but at his age there's not a great deal that can be done. I think it's just his time to cross that Rainbow bridge.

Here is to 11 years of love and the best companion and family could ask for.

I love you dude.

2021-08-19_12-28-10 by Christopher Sharples, on Flickr

2021-08-19_12-27-41 by Christopher Sharples, on Flickr

2021-08-19_12-26-55 by Christopher Sharples, on Flickr
Always a gut wrenching decision. We lost one a couple of months ago, at 9. Never gets any easier. All you can do is give them a great life while they're here, and it sounds like you did that.
Very sorry to hear that, 10+ years old is a good innings, my last dog had Cancer at about age 6 and it gave my mother a nervous break down
I absolutely absolutely hate reading threads like this.

As a fairly new dog owner (only turned 2 last week), i hate to hear of dogs being poorly or needing to cross the rainbow bridge. Their never-ending love just makes a humongous impact to our lives that i just couldn't comprehend being in position in life without them.

I really feel for you dude :( i just hope you can reminisce of all the good times to get you through this.
Sorry It's very difficult, lost my Bill Afew years back and I was a total wreck, at first guilt at a little relief that he was out of pain, then just missed my mate planted a tree for him and his favourite toy is attached, it's a great trigger that brings back memory's
Sorry man! My dog got an infected food the other week and I was a bag of nerves. Dogs really are the best. We don’t deserve them.
I know what you're going through. It is very hard. Sorry for your loss. Save all the photos and videos and celebtrate his life with your kids.
Damn this needs a trigger warning, can't be crying in the office on a Thursday.

On a serious note, you're doing the right thing. I've known people who can't put their pets down and they live their final few months or even a year+ in pain. Our neighbour at our last property took his dog to be put down 3 times and just couldn't go through with it.
My sincere condolences. It’s been a month yesterday since I lost Mia, my 10.5 year old GSD. Despite having 3 other dogs, I’m still struggling with the loss, as is my wife.

So like you, we had to make a decision as her back legs had gone. It’s heart breaking but you’re doing the right thing.

Focus on the good times and the love.
Gutted for you and the family - huge condolences, it's an incredibly hard thing to do and I'm sure you've made the right decision.
I was in two minds if i should read this thread, I've been through two family dogs being put down when I was a 10 and then 21. I handled it pretty well but my Dad was cut up terrible the second time and vowed he could never have another dog.

Now I have a 9 week old puppy myself and I can already tell it is a different story when you commit to a dog as an adult, my boy already feels more like a child. I'm really sorry you are going through this, If i'm lucky I'll not have to worry about this for another 10 years, but already it has gone through my mind.

Dogs are just some of the best and more special relationships life can bring, as other have say just be thankful for all the memories and joy he brought to your household.

Hopefully you've had time to come to terms with this which I think does make it easier than a sudden shock.
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