iTunes 9.0.1 is out

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Get it on software update now.


I'm really pleased that it fixes the problem sorting albums with multiple discs, that was badly broken in 9.0
And I bet it locks the Palm out again :)

Of course! Amusingly the USB compliance people who Palm complained to have sided with Apple and had a whinge at Palm.

… Your letter also states that:

“Palm will shortly issue an update of its WebOS operating system that uses Apple’s Vendor ID number for the sole purpose of restoring the Palm media sync functionality.”

I attach for your information the USB-IF’s adopted and published policy regarding Vendor Identification Numbers (VIDs). Under the Policy, Palm may only use the single Vendor ID issued to Palm for Palm’s usage. Usage of any other company’s Vendor ID is specifically precluded. Palm’s expressed intent to use Apple’s VID appears to violate the attached policy.

Please clarify Palm’s intent and respond to this potential violation within seven days.

From here. Palm got slapped :D
It doesn't say "movies" any more!!!


/edit - Didn't it say TV Shows rather than TV Programmes before?
I've found out why it's showing the English way now. At the same time as I installed iTunes 9.0.1 I had changed my language settings.

System Preferences, Language & Text and order the languages like this:


Close and re-open iTunes, one quick snip and tuck, and Bob's your auntie!
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