Itunes Alternative

25 Nov 2005
I recently received an Ipod Video as a present. up to now i used musicmatch to organise my music. i have been using Itunes and it is starting to annoy me big style. i hate it.

any suggestions to a windows compatible alternative ?
My mate uses Anapod or something and says its a lot better than Itunes. DOnt know exactly how it works but it stops all the stupid copyright stuff Itunes uses.
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I'm using Anapod Explorer on my 60gb Video & it's great (I couldn't stand itunes).
There's different versions (I've got universal) and there's a trial edition. clicky
It even works on my windows 64bit :)
Anapod Explorer user here for over a year but I don't know why I-Tunes is bothering you.
My teenage daughters use it with no problems.
anapod is pretty good, i know many many people use itunes but I cant stand it. everyone says how simple it is but it just frustrates the hell out of me, and im a software developer :D

I much prefer just dragging and dropping into a folder as on a removable hard disk. so much easier.

The ipod i use is the missus, a nano. the thing itself is great. iv tried using i tunes again and iv found the only way i can use it properly is to install it on the laptop. and have a 2gig limit on my music folder ( same as the Nano ) and just keep the whole folder synced. it works great then.

The problems arose when I had it installed on my desktop with around 100gig of music. just found it was removing stuff and genreally being a pain in the arse.

is it to much to ask that if i want to put music onto my MP3 player that it doesnt

a: take over my PC with the bloated software

b: make alterations to the MP3s stored on my PC, just make a copy of them onto the player. thats all i want :)

3: force me to install other bloated software, I HATE QUICKTIME :(

lol, rant over with now, i feel so much better :D its a shame really, the nano is a lovely piece of kit. why they feel they have to be so controling as to what goes on it to an extent that it ruins the experiance is beyond me.
kidloco said:
is it to much to ask that if i want to put music onto my MP3 player that it doesnt

a: take over my PC with the bloated software

b: make alterations to the MP3s stored on my PC, just make a copy of them onto the player. thats all i want :)

3: force me to install other bloated software, I HATE QUICKTIME :(

I bought two nano's at christmas for my girls.

a: I can't see any bloated software when it installed.

b: My girls open up Windows Explorer, drag and drop from Explorer into the right side of I-Tunes and they go straight on the IPOD without altering anything on the PC's hard drive. They have a 'sync' option turned off so nothing weird happens between PC and IPOD when they're connected.

c: Only I-Tunes was installed.

d: Its so easy two teenage girls can use it with absolutely no problems.

e: Anapod works in exactly the same way except it becomes part of your file manager.
I used to use an Iriver H340 which works with no fancy software. It just acts as an extra hard drive. To tag and maintain my music I used musicmatch (which I could use with the ipod but it does not support the video and photo side). I am more used to using this software. With Itunes, if you know no other music management software, then its not a problem, my dad uses Itunes with no problem at all. I am not saying that I can't use Itunes, i just don't like using it.
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