anapod is pretty good, i know many many people use itunes but I cant stand it. everyone says how simple it is but it just frustrates the hell out of me, and im a software developer
I much prefer just dragging and dropping into a folder as on a removable hard disk. so much easier.
The ipod i use is the missus, a nano. the thing itself is great. iv tried using i tunes again and iv found the only way i can use it properly is to install it on the laptop. and have a 2gig limit on my music folder ( same as the Nano ) and just keep the whole folder synced. it works great then.
The problems arose when I had it installed on my desktop with around 100gig of music. just found it was removing stuff and genreally being a pain in the arse.
is it to much to ask that if i want to put music onto my MP3 player that it doesnt
a: take over my PC with the bloated software
b: make alterations to the MP3s stored on my PC, just make a copy of them onto the player. thats all i want
3: force me to install other bloated software, I HATE QUICKTIME
lol, rant over with now, i feel so much better
its a shame really, the nano is a lovely piece of kit. why they feel they have to be so controling as to what goes on it to an extent that it ruins the experiance is beyond me.