iTunes bought music and none Apple MP3 players.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
I currently own an iPod 60Gb, but ive been thinking of selling it and getting a 4Gb iRiver Clix (finally on sale over here).
The problem is that i have about 20-30 tracks/audiobooks, ect; that ive bought through iTunes, i take it that im not gonna be able to use them with the iRiver Clix?
Phoenix211 said:
is it not a legitimate bit of software? and to be honest, whats stopping him from playing the file and recording at the same time with audacity?
1st, 'him' is me. ;)
Second, its basically software that decrypts stuff, and that sort of stuff isnt usually aloud to be mentioned on here.
Phoenix211 said:
lol sorry bud, didnt realise. Just trying to help! :p
Np. :)
Just informing you before the mods gave you a talking to. :)
BillytheImpaler said:
Failing all else you could burn it to a CD and rip it back to a compressed lossy format like mp3.
Thought of doing that, heres the problem though, a lot of my audio books are over 1h30m long. So they wont fit on a CD.
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