I missed the option Not to scan after install, honestly did not see such an option?
My first post related to my going to Apple's site, clicking a Big Button that Said "Download Itunes".... this link then took me straight to a sign up process, I admit though I got to the page direct from google, but never the less, it was confusing.
1. Are you wanting to use iTunes are your primary music player or just something to put music onto your Touch with?
Just to put my music on.
2. Are you wanting to import your whole music collection into iTunes or just some of it?
Just selected files.
3. Do you want it to manage your music-life? in other words, are you going to be ripping with it and do you want it so it manages your music? By manage music anything in the iTunes Music folder (or another folder you tell it to) is arranged by artist & album automatically when imported.
No. I want to manage my music myself, I already have my music sorted into folders such as: ABC, DEF, GHI etc, then within each group they are arranged by artist then album.
4. Are you wanting iTunes to auto-sync (ie. shove everything in iTunes to your Touch)/limited auto-sync (ie. just the playlists you select - which is what you have currently settled on)/or manual (ie. drag & drop from within iTunes)?
I have it set to auto synch, but only playlists I have set up as I want my music kept in the groups already made. Basicly I have a folder that I copy music to before burning to DVD for my car stereo, this is grouped by folders, Rock, Dance, Soft, R&B, then serveral albums by Artist - Album name. I wanted to keep this struckture on the Ipod and found the only way to do this was playlists, which now I understand how they work, is simple enough.
At the end of the day, my point is that Apple seams to want to control how you use your Ipod, the freedom is there if you look around the setting, but the defaults are terrible.
Other than that, Im enjoying my New Ipod...
One last question though, I have converted my .avi collection to Mpeg-4 using a free converter recomended on various forums... the software gives the choice of H264 or Mpeg-4, both options seam to be the same resolution and bit rate, Is there any advantage of one over the other, and is it normal that the skip forward button does Nothing or is it the video type im using? The skip backward works fine.
Thanks again.