iTunes In The Cloud

23 May 2005
Anyone here who has purchased songs through the iTunes store noticed any of them missing from their purchased list, so that they cannot be redownloaded?

I've had a few like this, including 24 out of 27 from one album being MIA. I've tried bugging support about it but they seem unable to comprehend what I am describing and seem to think I am complaining that they did not download properly in the first place.
The reason I am not convinced of that in this case, is that it is an album of tracks all by the same artist, not a compilation, and 3 of them are available. It would seem strange for a licensing problem with the record label and/or artist to cause them to be so selective.

I did also make a point of asking if there was a reason why these specific tracks were not available to redownload and they did not have anything to say about it at all.

I have had apps not show up straight away but they have always appeared within a day or so. This is rather more persistent though.
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