iTunes Match Frustration

11 Feb 2007
High Wycombe
I think iTunes Match is ace but its so bloody frustrating. How can it match near enough a whole album bar one track, especially as the whole album can be bought from the iTunes store.
I've tried burning the album as a virtual CD and then reimporting to iTunes but its still the same.

Anyone else have any other suggestions?
Try editing the info in the song to match the rest. It worked on a number of mine.


What info did you change?

I've tried using tagging software plus when it was imported from the virtual CD into iTunes the info came from iTunes so there shouldn't be a need for me to change anything.
I wouldn't know what to change anyway because it should be right from iTunes.
I did this as sort of prep for iTunes Match and I've gone through after the initial Match and updating tags for everything that wasn't matched. Its so bloody annoying.
Just checked the length of the track, was a couple of seconds longer, cut it to what the iTunes store said but still the same. How can Apple be so brilliant but then so dumb.
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