iTunes Match is offensively bad

20 Jul 2008
Set this all up but...

1) I can no longer add any music to iTunes whatsoever. What the hell is this about? If I drag and drop an AAC/MP3 file like I used to it does nothing.

2) Half my Playlists aren't supported for some reason. It says something about a playlist within a playlist isn't supported.
"Smart playlists that reference other playlists are not supported by iCloud, and will not be uploaded."

3) It's buggy and slow as hell from my iPhone.

Seriously unimpressed, rant aside though how do I fix the first problem. It's seriously P'd me off. :p

I've requested a refund. It's appallingly bad. I ****** knew I should have done my research before buying into Apple's ****.

Why can't you physically sync your iPhone as before and THEN have the option of being able to access the rest of your library from the cloud.

They're supposed to employ the best and brightest at Apple but sometimes they really don't think things through and produce utter ****.

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