iTunes Match

19 Dec 2010
The south
I've searched the forum, but i'm not sure I can find an answer to my questions.

I'm thinking of signing up so that I can access my iTunes library at home from Uni on my rMBP.

Couple of things:

1) When accessing from my rMBP, do I have to download the song from the iCloud, or is it streamed?

2) Can I add files to my library at home from else where? or would they be added locally to my laptop?

3) I guess my home library doesn't have to be on all the time?

3) Is it a pain free process uploading a massive library? :D

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Okay well I have signed up... I've had to restart iTunes a couple of times because it seems to get stuck, but every time I restart, its not like it goes back to where it was, it goes back to stage 1 and takes an age again. I do have about 11,000 songs, so I know its going to take a while, just frustrating when it doesn't pick up where it left off.
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