itunes/other mp3 downlaods.

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
i've seen various news articles saying itunes and other sites have released some music in unrestricted mp3 format, how do you know on itunes and what other mp3 sites is there which do this?
In the itunes store all the lossless music/DRM free is kept in the itunes Plus section I believe.

Don't know about any other website though.
Not sure whether you have to sign in but the link is on the right hand side of the main home page, under Quick Links, then just select itunes plus. Also make sure you have the latest version of itunes.
...Read somewhere that they're not all they're cracked up to be and cost more to boot? :o

I'd research them a bit first.
On itunes:
Iirc, 99p for a track can upgrade for 20p from the normal tracks.

256kbps unprotected AAC format <--- fine quality for portable audio players, I rip at 320 but that's really just 'cos i can..

Only EMI's library is DRM-free at the moment, Pink Floyd are the band i remember definitely being on there but i'm pretty sure there's thousands and thousands of tracks available.

To access i believe you get asked to configure it in itunes and you can choose to buy normal Fairplay-ed tracks or the higher quality DRM free tracks.

Haven't heard about other major DRM free moves.

You know about i assume, they offer mp3 downloads free from DRM, but of course aren't supported as well by big labels. Also offer a subscription based model with a quota of tracks per month and 50 free mp3s when you join, no obligation - very good site.
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I want to get the songs from my reading cd thread.

But it has to be unprotected, so i can copy to mp3 player, cd for car ect.

Looks like you have to sign in to itunes to do a search.

I'll have a look at emusic

cant search emusic without signing up :(
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