iTunes playing distorted sound

17 Jun 2005
Hi all

Iv'e just come across this problem whilst copying some of my old Sabbath albums to iTunes.

Basically once copied (MP3 128KPS) the sound is so distorted and loud on playback, its unlistenable.

I tried with the AAC format and i get the same result.

I tried with a random other CD, and the sound is fine. Its like this for all 5 of the Black Sabbath albums i copied.

Anyone had this problem? If yes, have you found a way round it?
Not had that problem but please for the love of god don't rip all your CD's to 128 MP3 files you'll regret it when you have to do it all again!
I only rip them at that rate for putting on my 3rg gen iPod touch.

I hope I won't have to do them all again! That's about 600 CDs plus countless ones borrowed of friends!

Let's hope Apple sort it with a patch soon enough
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