iTunes Plus is a con

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
It seemed a brilliant idea. DRM free tracks of reasonably high quality, and I jumped when I saw their "Upgrade your library option" for just 20p a song.


1) It appears you are forced to upgrade your ENTIRE purchased music collection (songs available in DRM-free format though) rather than individual tracks which you choose.

2) It uses a record of your purchased items. I've actually replaced about 50 iTunes downloads with lossless CD rips, having deleted the origional downloads I bought from iTunes. So, Apple, why the hell would I want to waste money on these tracks downgrading in quality? It appears you are forced to do this.

So thanks Jobbs, but I will continue leeching my news thanks.

Obviously this is still a great service for buying new tracks, but the state of upgrading is pathetic.
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the_one_deep86 said:
that is crazy stuff!
your entire collection!? madness

Purchased Items : 553 items (3.47GB)

At the moment only a portion of those are available in iTunes Plus, but they still want me to pay to upgrade ALL the tracks available rather than individual ones I choose. Half of the songs I bought I hardly listen to anyway.

(NB About 400 of those I got for Free when BT had that iTunes free songs thing to thank their customers) £315 worth of songs for free ain't bad :D
I agree.

Although I did think about the consequences if you were to get hacked and the songs were put out on the net. Also, I quite often share music with my friends and thus once off my HD the songs are ultimately out of my control.
Grrrrr said:
The title should read "itunes is a con" no need for a plus. Why on earth people buy music from there i have no idea

I get all my trance from djdownload if that makes you feel any better.
I entirely agree but my thread isn't about that, my thread is about the dodgy pricing and payment schemes adopted by Apple.
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