iTunes Quirk

31 Jan 2004
I've noticed a lot of artists in my itunes library seem to be duplicating themselves, for no apparent reason.

I've tried deleting the whole library, then re-adding the folders, but the problem repeats itself.

I've managed to find an example track which, when I add it to the library, it enters it twice under the artist list. Deleting either entry deletes both entries. The track is an MP3, and adding it into WMP doesn't cause any problem.

I'm hoping that if I can find out why this track double-enters itself, then the fix will also work for the other tracks

Anybody have any ideas?

That is a help. It's always good to know that someone else is having the same issue.

Do you use anything to tag the tracks, other than iTunes/manually? I've used Picard for some tracks, but no-one else seems to be having (or reporting) an issue with that.

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You can try 2 things..

Go to File > Show Duplicates and check the location of both. I find it strange that deleting 1 would remove the other :confused:

Also, make sure that the "Copy music when adding to library" checkbox is ticked (as shown below) in the iTunes advanced preferences

Found the problem (I think)

Checking in the Sorting tab of Track Info showed that the "Sort Artist" and "Sort Album Artist" had different data in them. Putting the same data into these fields fixed the problem for me.
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