itunes re-install help please

5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
anyone help me with this,

i reinstalled my os, but prior to doing this i shifted my itunes library onto my storage drive following the guide on apples website.

once i reinstalled my os i then also reinstalled itunes. but once installed it doesnt actually locate my previously 'moved' media files.

how, or can i, get itunes to locate my original itunes media files i.e. music, vids, apps etc
Windows or Mac?

1. Close iTunes
2. Press and hold the alt (option ⌥) key then click the iTunes icon. Select the option to choose a Library.
3. Delete the unused Library

Options or Preferences > click through tabs until you see one that shows the directory of your current library, then change it to point to your storage drive.
i've been through the edit>preferences>advanced and go to change the itunes media folder location but it dont seem to work

sorry should have said it's win7 64
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Ah right I think what you may have done is only moved the media files and not the whole iTunes library previously. So now all you are doing is selecting the media folder but the library settings will remain so you just need to drag your music back onto the iTunes window.

Makes it easier if you also tick the preference for iTunes to automatically sort your music unless you have it all over the place.

Otherwise in the future you need to backup the actual iTunes library.xml if you want to be able to backup all your previous settings.
If you have got the previous library file though from when you transfered everything over
to your storage drive then just close down iTunes and the hold down Ctrl and click
your iTunes shortcut and it will ask you to select a library, that is the easyest way to
do it on windows m8.

What you were trying to do was just tell iTunes were everything is located your not
telling it were the library file is that you want to restore from.

Hope this helps m8
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