iTunes Shuffle Question

27 Nov 2007

I use iTunes to sync with my iPhone, I've had to start manually deselecting some tracks due to a lack of space by unticking them in the library. I still want these tracks to appear in the shuffle playlist but just don't want them to sync to my iPhone, but iTunes appears not to play them in shuffle mode when unticked for syncing.

Can anybody help?

I use playlists. I set iTunes to only sync my playlist (named iPhone) which means my songs on my mac still play in shuffle mode but only those albums in my playlist sync to phone. Tracks still appears as normal on the phone so it's seamless.
Taking that a step further, I have a smart playlist set up for rated tracks. So, if I want something to show up on my phone I just give it a rating and there it goes :)

You can take it even further by having playlists for 1 star, 2 star, etc, so that only your absolute favourite music is synched.
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