iTunes Sync Music help...

17 Jun 2005
Hi all.

Can anyone help me out here....

I have the latest iTunes and iPhone 6 with some 12000 tracks of music on.

For some reason iTunes will always sync my entire library, which takes hours each time.

I've tried different settings in iTunes and nothing seems to be working so far. I had an old ipod touch 2nd gen which wasn't affected by this.

Any advise?

I've been having a similar problem. The iPhone 6 was only syncing a few hundred songs, most of which were missing album art. It was getting stuck on Step 5 and just bombing out without explanation.

TO my eyes it looks like there's bug somewhere between iTunes 12 and iOS 8, as my old work iPhone 3GS and spinning rust iPod work just fine.

I tracked it down to duplicated tracks bought through the iTunes store. iPhone 6 had automatically downloaded the current version and they are seemingly slightly different to the ones bought via iTunes pre 2009 in my Mac Library. The giveaway was duplicate tracks showing under the Music list on the iPhone, one with a dotted circle.

I backed up the library then deleted the problem tracks and re-downloaded from the iTunes store. Seems to have fixed it for the moment. I'll admit it scared me a bit, considering some date from 2004 and you used to get one download only back in those days...
I've been having an absolute mare of a time with the software lately. I think you're right in calling out a software bug. I made a list of my problems:

In itunes I go to sync the phone.
The sync process freezes on ‘step 4 waiting for changes to be applied) and nothing happens from then, so this forces me to cancel the sync (which I can’t do), so I unplug the device.
I then have to exit itunes and re open.
I then sync my phone again, and there is now 50gb of ‘OTHER’ taking up space on my phone.
When looking in settings-storage on the phone it confirms there is only 9gb of storage left on the phone, even though im only actually using 52gb so I should have 60gb left at least.
I ring apple helpline and spend 40 mins on the phone, end up with a factory reset and re-sync.
This gets rid of the 50gb ‘OTHER’
Upon resync I end up with hundreds of ‘greyed out’ songs on the phone (when nothing has actually changed from the previous settings.)
I ring apple, and they say to re-sync.
I re-sync and the 50gb of ‘OTHER’ is added back to the phone, and I can’t sync my music AT ALL
The sync freezes on Step 4 again, I rage.

I'm currently trying my 3rd re-sync, so i'll see how it goes. If I'm still having problems with half my songs being randomly greyed out I might make a genius appointment and even though they might not be able to do anything, at least i'll know that I've tried.

It doesn't make sense that I got all those greyed out tracks, as when I first bought the phone and set it up, everything was perfect. The the latest IOS update hits and boom everything goes pear-shaped.
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