iTunes Wants Credit Card Details

26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
Hey all

My girlfriend has got herself an iPod and has installed iTunes. She's imported all her music into iTunes and organised all her albums etc, and now she's registering her iPod to iTunes.

It's asking for credit card details, even though she's not paying for anything. It says they're not charging her, so why do they want credit card details if they're not charging?

We don't particularly want to give out these details as she's not actually buying anything right now, since she has an extensive CD collection she's going to rip.

Is there any way to skip this stage?

There should be a 'None' tick box?

Huh. well we'll just stick in our details i guess. Not too impressed by it but what can you do.

Dont think i'll be buying an ipod for myself now thoguh :(

Thanks for the reply anyways Justin.
Is it an ipod touch?, I dont recall having to register , nor any sort of paymetn was required, when i first plugged in my nano, may be diff with the i(pod)touches.
Interestingly my dad had the same problem, and totally over reacted, I guess my generation are happy to give out our data, more fool us. Any way its a weird one, no idea why that happens but, there has to be a way around it and it should not put you off buying a nano.
yeah its just for cover art or if you want to buy something? you could also put in an old credit card like I did
Interestingly my dad had the same problem, and totally over reacted, I guess my generation are happy to give out our data, more fool us. Any way its a weird one, no idea why that happens but, there has to be a way around it and it should not put you off buying a nano.

I agree with your dad. Anyway, since they're not charging you anything, isn't it illegal for them under the Data Protection Act to ask for and store your credit card data?

I already have an active iTunes account so I wouldn't have noticed this. If my electric toothbrush needed activating with credit card details I know where I'd stick it.
Well there's no harm in putting in your card details if they aren't going to charge you :)

Can I have your credit card details please? I'm not going to charge you...

Personally I wouldn't want anyone having my card details unless there was a completely valid reason for it ie: I was making a purchase.
Ressurecting this old thread.

Just bought an iPod Touch. Turns out i cant even turn it on without installing iTunes...
And i thought it was Microsoft who were trying to control everything. Isn't this all a bit OTT? No album art without credit card details (even though you can add it manually anyway), no iPod at all without iTunes? Seems very odd.
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