itunes woe

7 May 2013
wondering if anyone can help with this, since getting an iphone 6 ive had nothign but trouble with itunes when trying to put music on the phone.

I use the manually manage option so I can drag and drop music on the phone. every time I try and do it at some point the app throws its toys out of the pram and the music either doesnt end up transferring or gets a ! next to it and is unable to play. my latest attempt has left me with 47gb of "other" on my phone but no music, so the space is just gone. tried to restore a backup but its still showing as occupied.

can anyone help sort this out before I have a destroyed phone, there must be an easier way to get music on your phone other than the garbage that is itunes :(
sorted it using an app called imazing. loads of folders in the itunes/music folder which I deleted and got the space back. worth knowing as i cant be the only one who has had this happen to them :)
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