ITV app for iPad poor

20 Mar 2007
As per title. I downloaded this free app so I can play catch up on the iPad and mirror to TV through my ATV2. However, the amount of programmes I want to watch but can actually watch is minimal due to FLASH.

The latest non watch on the iPad was Endeavour (the young Inspector Morse special on Monday evening) missed the start so thought I would watch it on catch up. Fired up the app on the iPad only to see yet again "you need to install the latest flash player". Have ITV lost the plot, what is the point in having an app when by far the largest audience segment cannot access your service? :(
Red face all round, I have just deleted the app and reinstalled it again - shazam, content is now playing without issue and mirroring onto TV. The app must have got corrupted in some way. I did think it strange that I kept getting message to install flash player.
Red face all round, I have just deleted the app and reinstalled it again - shazam, content is now playing without issue and mirroring onto TV. The app must have got corrupted in some way. I did think it strange that I kept getting message to install flash player.

I had it with the 4od app I would load the app then it would close straight away, but I had used the app the day before weird crazy voodo apps.
I suspect they're less of an App and more of a front end to the respective websites.

ITV were using Silverlight, not sure if they still are.
How do I get to watch/listen to say.... Radio5 live on the ipad3 or BBC Click, that type of thing?
This is my first ipad so sorry if asked before.
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