I can't seem to find much info on this, but probably the only thing preventing me from downsizing from matx to itx is the lack of space for a dedicated internal sound card (assuming pcie slot is filled with a video card).
Coming at this from a gaming and music listening perspective (so not keen on sticking with onboard), what are the options? Use an external usb sound card?
I'm not a keen or knowledgable audiophile (read: a bit of a noob at sound equipment), but I am an amateur musician and do like to enjoy good quality sound/music.
Coming at this from a gaming and music listening perspective (so not keen on sticking with onboard), what are the options? Use an external usb sound card?
I'm not a keen or knowledgable audiophile (read: a bit of a noob at sound equipment), but I am an amateur musician and do like to enjoy good quality sound/music.