12 Jul 2005
N.U.Tyne, Planet Earth.
Anyone else been ripped off by a very large worldwide computer company, like i have just been?
They refuse to ring me back...
They won't return postage money for wrong goods...
They waited 2 weeks to tell me that 5 (out of 11) of the items ordered they did not have in stock (the goods should have been delivered 28th Feb)...
They tried to palm me off with gear i didn't want...
They have made me late on delivering the finished computer (which will not get delivered at all now)...


I hate moneygrabbing uncaring large companies...

Going into the garden now to hang myself with some freshly cooked spaghetti...:)
Basher said:
Is spaghetti strong enough?
Well from experiance a handful of the stuff not cooked... and stab it through your eye, hard. That would work!

But hanging yourself with cooked stuff is just asking for failure and a waste of good food xD!
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and theres nothing you can do?! hmm... should have read the T&Cs first innit :p

if they made a mistake then its your rights a sa consumer not to be penalised for it. were the items they substitued inferior to the originals you ordered? if not, keep them.. but if yes, kick up a fuss and take it as far as you can. i wouldnt stand for being treated like that :o
I take it that its the one that is orange on its pages, and ends with Buyer and is universally crap, and posts slowly, and gimps you with high postage costs?

Or is it the one that suitably rhymes with "Hell"?

Build your own for the win! :)

You get the bonus of a lifetime membership with them also Monsewer...:)
Oh Noes!?!?111!!?! Don't waste the spaghetti!! I'm soooo hungry!

So is there absolutely nothing you can do? :confused:

NO WAY are they getting away with it my friend. I know my rights and they did not keep up their end of the bargain they entered into the contract with me. Mistakes and mishaps i can excuse (sometimes) but blatant corporate >> We have your money and we know 90% of people won't take things further attitude << just dosen't wear with me. I shall be victorious in the end...WATCH THIS SPACE :)
Kyu-Kai said:
NO WAY are they getting away with it my friend. I know my rights and they did not keep up their end of the bargain they entered into the contract with me. Mistakes and mishaps i can excuse (sometimes) but blatant corporate >> We have your money and we know 90% of people won't take things further attitude << just dosen't wear with me. I shall be victorious in the end...WATCH THIS SPACE :)

Ensure you dont turn into an armchair lawyer and you'll be sorted.

I've decided not to waste the spaghetti and will feast upon it instead. I shall put a small portion of it aside for Melmo as i hate to see anyone hungry...
Mmmmm yummy...chomp...chomp....Now wheres that brandy and my cigar gone?....:)
Kyu-Kai said:
I've decided not to waste the spaghetti and will feast upon it instead. I shall put a small portion of it aside for Melmo as i hate to see anyone hungry...
Mmmmm yummy...chomp...chomp....Now wheres that brandy and my cigar gone?....:)

A wise decision Sir
iCraig said:
Hang yourself with a computer wire, would be symbolic.

it'd be even better if he hung himself with computer wire and then the postman showed up with all the crap he ordered. i'd actually laugh, probably.
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