I've crossed to the dark side :)

27 May 2008
Petersfield, Hampshire
after being a PC fanboy since the 80's, i've finally crossed over and placed my order for a macbook this morning. So fingers crossed i'll be completely befuddled and pulling my hair out with my new macbook by this time next week :cool:
I decided as it was dipping the toe in the water so to speak that I'd not plump for a macbook pro... so it's a white macbook, 13" glossy screen, 2.1GHz, 120HD and 1Gig ram (which i believe is cheap to upgrade)
It is indeed a cheap and worthwhile upgrade. I have a similar spec one and tbh have no desire or need for a Pro, I guess it depends what you plan to use it for.
well, it's mainly for me to mess with (i want to learn a little more programing, as i've never quite got to grips with object oriented), but i think i'll migrate itunes there naturally, and probably all my email and stuff, but games will stay on the PC / xbox

only thing I'm worried about is that i'll end up buying photoshop again, and then want a mac desktop ;)
While I can't find a link for it, if you only need Photoshop on one computer you can migrate from PC to Mac for free I think. Or a very small fee.
I'd definitely say get a 2GB upgrade ready for when it comes!

I personally think 2GB is a minimum, and with the 9400M being shared the more RAM the better!

Hell even 4GB is cheap as chips now! :D

O yeah, enjoy! Give it some time and you'll grow to love it, don't let the initial confusion put you off!
Or at least a bigger external screen :p

yes, very true, but I'm also thinking of my drive capacity... I'm fairly sure I'll get a 250GB drive in a year or so, but for my bike pics, I'll need a desktop i think
... fo rnow I'm going to stay with t hepics primarily on teh PC desktop, but i think if i like macs, then i may even lose the desktop, leaving jsut hte xbox for gaming... but it's all just maybes at the moment ;)
Is the 9400M in the 2.1Ghz model? I thought the new white macbook model (with the 9400M) was 2.0Ghz. It was the previous model, with the previous graphics that was 2.1Ghz?

I however, will stand corrected :p
well i've had the macbook for just over a week now and finding that I really like it... everything is so slick, and i'm even trying to learn the X-Code interface and a little simple programming.

Maybe it's quite shallow, but one of the massive bonuses is the 5+ hours you get out of a battery cycle... my HP nx7400 was only giving me 60-80 minutes when on wifi.

Unfortunately, althoguh I can transfer the likes of Photoshop, I wouldn't then be allowed to run it on desktop which has the massive drive space to keep my photo archive... however, having seen what I can do on the macbook already I'm happy to leave photoshop where it's at for now.

Took your advice and upgraded to 4 gig straight off the bat, and only once noticed the machine slow down when i didn't realise that the red button and closing apps wasn't quite the same thing ;)

Love the way that the iPhone links up with the macbook too

I think that i'll be keeping the desktop PC for games, but pretty sure that the HP laptop will be going soon.
People close applications? :confused: ;)

Mo! I texted you a week or so ago when I was in your manor
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