I've got a new camera!

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
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It's a Wista 45SP Also have a 90mm f8 and 180mm f5.6 to go with it. It's got no AF, no Auto white balance, no GPS or video. Infact, it has very little in the way of modern comforts. It does however have full lens movements and takes 4"x5" sheet film that can be scanned to produce HUGE image files. This is going to be a new learning curve. :)
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Very nice, I've always fancied giving large format a go. Will you be developing the film yourself?

Nope. I've got the facilities to develop B&W, but not colour. I think I'll mostly be shooting colour negs then scanning them in, so I'll get them professionally developed to save me the time and hassle

Got an sample shots?

Nope. Only got it yesterday. Haven't even bought any film yet. I doubt I'll use it very often, but I certainly want to experiment with it from time to time.
Very nice friend. I have been on the look out for a rollixflex TLR at the moment. Funny how digital makes you go back to film isn't it.

Well it's something I've wanted to try for a long time. Also since I have access to top of the range film scanners and large format printers, I want to try and make some huge landscapes for exhibition (Think 40"x50") with loads of detail. :)


Nice one!, join the world of awesome lenses and serious sharpness.

It certainly is a big learning curve, but I love my LF to death - I've spent £700 on Velvia 50 quickload to go in the freezer :) should last me a few years.. hopefully :D

£700!! That should keep you going for decades surely!:D And why did you go with quickload? I think im going to try and stick with normal darkslides and load it myself for now. Also going to get one or two packets for film at a time until I discover the film that I like (First time with film). You obviously like Velvia. Why is that? I'm trying to figure out what to go with first, but I'm not sure.

Music to my ears :)

It's been a while since I've done any LF work...and seeing that has given me "the itch".

She's a beauty :)

Thanks. What kit did you use when you did LF?
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