I've got to do a school assembly tomorrow - any ideas?

23 May 2004
Tomorrow, as part of my duties as Deputy Head Boy of my all-boys school, I'm supposed to do an assembly on any topic to years 10 & 11. It's with the Head Boy, and i'm sure we could rope in some other sixth formers to help. The trouble is, neither of us can come up with a decent idea. It's the difficulty of trying to have a decent assembly, but with a few gags, and the fun that a typical sixth-form-led assembly requires. Any of you have any ideas on topics/methods?
I know it's the Fair Trade fortnight this week, so perhaps something alongs those lines might be topical? We'd thought of some sort of weird blind-date with fair trade foods thing, but i'm not sure how that would go down.

Yes, I know we've left it a bit late, but please, help me fellow OcUK'ers! :)

Many thanks,

Nope, it's a state school. I'm not sure that pulling a sicky would work, I have to perform the assembly three times, once to yrs 10-11, once to 7-9, and another to lower sixth.

Thanks for the replies, keep the ideas coming :) Like the idea about some form of ready steady cook; and i lack any form of dvd recorder to do the public information films, but a good idea nevertheless.
I've never done something like this myself, but past assemblies done by other years have normally been a bit of a waste of time. No messages, just general pointlessness, so not much to live up to, but i'd still like to make it worthwhile!
As for the point to these assemblies, I guess they give the teachers a break from doing them.
We don't have prefects, just Head Boy and Deputy.

Thanks again,

Did the Ready Steady Cook idea, and it worked a treat, thanks very much Sidewinder for the idea.
We had two teams of two people, who had to make something out of a banana, chocolate bar, 1/2 pint of milk, and some ice, using a swizzel stick, a hammer, and a fork. They made smoothie things, and it all was very nice. Got some serious points in there, too.

Just the other years to go now!


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