I've got to see Saw 3!! People are fainting over it!

It must be a DAMN good film.

Any film that can do that to people deserves a bit of credit.

I've always had respect for films that bring out strong feelings/emotions in people.
What a waste of hospital resources, if I fainted my friends would wake me up. lol

This will no doubt help promote the film.
My Father and I traditionally go and watch the Saw movies, we normally end up piddling ourselves at how OTT and downright wrong it is (the copper beating up that Cancer patient in Saw II springs to mind), looks like this one is no different. Can't wait tbh.
Was a really good film, other 2 were also. 1st time I have ever been in a cinema and people clapped at the end!
[top film critic mode]

Thought the film was a steaming pile of crap to be honest. Just like Saw II.

[/top film critic mode]

The first Saw was decent enough because of the twist at the end, even though it was dragged down by the crappiness of the acting.

Knew it was going to be crap but the girlfriend wants to see it, so against my wishes I get dragged along. We come out and she was apologising for not listening to me. She does that now with pretty much any film we see now. Ever since Brokeback Mountain....
This sounds like a movie company's PR dream to me, getting a ton of free publicity for their film wouldn't surprise me if they've orchestrated the publicity 3 people fainting (out of probably thousands) has been given.

I enjoyed the first one as like all these horror franchises it wasn't cynically made to cash in on the name of the film like all the sequels are.
Well I went to see it on Friday and have to say it's the first time i've felt uncomfortable watching a film at the cinema, simply because of how graphic some of it was. I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't seen it but the combination of the surround sound effects and gore really got my stomach churning.

That said it was a superb film and tied into the first 2 films very well with some thought provoking parts to it.

Definitely worth a watch and for those saying it's a steaming pile of crap it's quite clearly not your cup of tea and maybe should watch a different genre of film, because you are missing some of the points of this film.
RoB- said:
Definitely worth a watch and for those saying it's a steaming pile of crap it's quite clearly not your cup of tea and maybe should watch a different genre of film, because you are missing some of the points of this film.

Like I said, I thought the first film was decent and I rather enjoyed it. Don't really see what the points of the film are though :p
I think it IS a PR stunt.

Everyone I know who has seen it enjoyed it and said it was OK but have all looked confused when told about this story because there was nothing in it that would make someone faint.

"OMG People fainted in that film... I HAVE to see it!" <----- This thread is already a testament to that sort of thought!
ROFL, I just can't understand how you could pass out over a film. God knows how these people would react if they viewed some of the things on the internet these days.

Infact yes, it most probably is a PR stunt. I simply cannot believe anyone could pass out over a film. Unless you're some kind of weird human experimental subject that hasn't been exposed to any form of violence or gore for your entire existence, then you suddenly get ushered into a cinema to watch Saw III. Perhaps it's possible in that case, otherwise I don't think so.
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