I've just enable WPA security on my wireless network

You dreamt it up :p

It has been known to reduce the throughput (due to the load that the extra encryption can push), but it won't reduce the range.
WPA won't improve and form of logical layer security. All it does is encrypt stuff so you cant see what's in a packet till it hits a wired network again.
No point on SSID or MAC filtering, SSID can be had if you force a client to be disconnected from the WAP, the client then sends the SSID in plain text to the wap while reconnecting, not very good security, and mac spoofing can be done just as easily. Both pointless imo.
MAC access list, WPA-PSK or disabling SSID broadcast won't stop shields up :p

Presumably it's throwing a wobbler because your router responds to pings, which is crap. Ignore it.
MAC addresses can be faked - tbh wpa's enough to put most people off - keep it as is.

EDIT: I'm a very slow person :(

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? I would have thought if the packet wasn't on the NAT tables in terms of being a candidate for IP translation, then it would be passed along, and without any SPI, it would be routed just as any other would.
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