I've just made the best yorkshire puddings!

18 Oct 2002
Wow they came out huge! Plain flour, little bit of milk, pinch of salt and 4 eggs. I usually use 2 but using 4 really topped the old ones by miles. They tasted so much better! I also used more oil and muffin tins instead of shallow ones. I might be able to get a pic up later a I got them on the video camera, the normal camera died yesterday and still need to get another. Made enough for 12 and they really were massive.

Yummy :D
enough for 12 eh! by my calculations there is less than 12 in your house, therefore at least one must be sent to me in an email attachment :)

Hehe well my mum and dad were here for dinner so that was 5 and I have Cliff's on a plate for when he gets home. He has 2, my daughter ate 2, one of my sons had 1 and a half and the other had a half, dad had 1, mum had 2 and I had 1. Oh and daughter wanted 1 in her lunch tomorrow :p
Does it not depend on how big the eggs are? This is why I get equal volumes of flour, milk and eggs using identical beakers :)

I used large ones. When I used to use 2 they didn't rise much at all. There ones were massive, about 5 inches big or so. I don't think there should be equal volumes though, it isn't necessary.
3 oz (75 g) plain flour
1 egg
3 fl oz (75 ml) milk
2 fl oz (55 ml) water
2 tablespoons beef dripping

salt and freshly milled black pepper

I've always used this doubled for my mixture. It's delias...


4 eggs is too much imho your making a yorkshire pudding not a cake :D

I also put my mix in the freezer for 20-30 minutes before putting in the hot tin. Works really well.

Lol but you use 1 egg with 75g of flour, I used 4 eggs with 250g. I've used delia's before and it wasn't as nice as these. I got 12 out of my mixture.
as has been mentioned lots of times already, equal amounts of flour, eggs and milk are all you need, the secret is getting plenty of air into the mix then leaving the mix to rest - the longer the better.

Not what I did and mine were great :D Also, according to delia, leaving the mixture to rest makes no difference at all.
Toad in the hole, Made with the Yorkshire pudding recipe in the Christmas dinner thread.

Usually rises a bit more than that, Don't think I made enough batter.

I need to make one of those this week, looks lovely :)
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