I've lost my tax disk

8 Oct 2005
OK so whilst bombing around Rockingham yesterday my boot has accidently knocked my tax disk out of its holder and I have now lost it.

The thing is, it was due for renewal at the end of March anyway so what should I do?

I believe I can pay a £7 fee and get a new tax disk, but can I just renew my tax early (without the letter) and get a new tax disk?

Thanks :)
you can ask,maybe they need to cancel the current tax disc so they can issue you with a new one? and move your disc holder to the front forks somwhere then you wont catch it
Wait for the letter, it should be with you shortly if its due at the end of the month. Then just stick it in a week or so early or how ever long it is.

TAX discs are on the database anyway so your unlikely to get caught for not having one. Random tax scans over the UK will pick up your car as having tax so i wouldnt think it would be an issue.

The only issue is if you get pulled over. Call the DVLA, find out when your tax is due, either pay the £7 and get your old disc sent which may not arrive until about the 20th or just get your new one now and fit it when it arrives on or around the 20th.
Wait for the letter, but in the mean time, take the front off the disc holder, then if you get pulled by the Fuzz, just go "Oh my officer, the front's come off my tax disc holder, it was there when I set off" etc etc :D
I would risk it as well, although the offence is failure to display. But still I haven't see any one check tax disks for years. It's all on their databases now.
wait for letter and renew it.

Bikes are to difficult to check as many people hide it from plain sight as idiots can nick them and try to cash them in or something.
Whenever mine first arrives in the post I scan a copy into my computer and print it out to keep it duck taped under the seat of my bike. The original stays in the filing cabinet.

Personally I wouldn't worry, especially since yours is due for renewal soon.
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