I've redesigned my site, what do you think?

28 Sep 2004
Hi there, this is around 85% complete, but I've decided to replace the old site purely because it works a whole lot nicer. So use a nice ctrl + F5 if you've viewed it before and tell me what you think.


The js on the web link is currently inactive/not set up right and the [switch] switch hasn't been implicated yet. Oh and Opera users be in for a shock lol. :p I just thought I'd ask your opinions on it. Do you think it all looks alright? What could I change?

Evil-Penguin said:
I like it, although it doesn't work that well in IE7 either.
This is annoying, I've tested IE7 on 2 pc's and it's been fine, I've used an IE stylesheet that replaces problems I originally had
Evil-Penguin said:
I'd get rid of the random words and phrases in bold, and having random words in bold serves no purpose either.
To help people read it, people who can't be bothered and just scan, although I guess I went a bit overboard. Oh and Opera is being worked on at the moment, its more of a FF rendering alteration though, I guess it's back to the drawing board with IE6+7 :eek: :(
binaryknight said:
out of interest what do you use for the photo displays would be interested in finding something similar
Lightbox JS
joeyjojo said:
No, 6 is fine mate, my bad there :)
Can you try 7 again please with a ctrl f5 - I had my conditional comment set wrong.

joeyjojo said:
I like it. The repeating slash has been done to death (I'm cynical and exaggerating ) but it's still a good look. Navigation is easy. Colours are nice. Good use of space, and focal points.

Overboard with the bold. Keep the majority as straight text for simplicity. Not sure what [switch] does. Takes you to the home page :confused: Also, you've taken the easy way out with the Lightbox JS ;) Wuss :p
Perfect comments there, thank you. Switch is in progress, think last.fm.

joeyjojo said:
Very nice overall. I'm surprised Opera has such a fit, I've always seen it as the most standards compliant browser to design to.
I think it might be FF being weird, It's fine when I take off the 'width' in the CSS container but that means that it's 100%, as soon as I apply any width it moves it down, so I've sacrificed opera *for this moment in time* and applied a negative margin-top so that FF is normal; the majority of users. :)

edit: Opera fixed, but FF produces a massive gap, this disappears when removing the width element, but I can't do that because of the layout.
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Thanks for the screenshots jo, I don't have IE7 to hand to try fix but I think that's my main problem at the moment, oh and I think your IE6 just doesn't like javascript. :)
I've now fixed it in FF and Opera, IE6 needs transparency, hopefully Safari has survived that update, and now I need to find out how IE7 has taken the news. 'Click for Info' is having a lapse in concentration on Safari and Opera; due to javascript stuff.

It's coming together a bit better now in the browsers. :)
Flanders said:
I like it, my one comment would be that the menu items are slightly too high and look a little out of proportion. Over than that, very nice :)
are you viewing in IE7? someone told me that renders differently, but i liked the style lol. Expect to see version 3 of the site appear sometime in january :p
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