**** I've spilled aftershave over my z5500 sub

27 Oct 2005

I accidentally spilled like 50 ml of aftershave over the front of my z5500's sub, I'm blowing a fan at it atm so the aftershave evaporates but could this have damaged the foam around the woofer, would it be able to tear next time I play some music loud ?

Anything I can do except try to evap. any remaining aftershave ?
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ouch, lucky u werent smoking at the time or something :p uhhh i woudlnt imagine it would damage the foam as i wouldnt think its the kinda that alcohol disolves.. ofcourse i could be wrong, just touch it and see it some rubs off or if it smudges, then theres a bit of trouble, and well all the alcohol shoudl just evapourate leaving u with a pretty smelling sub :) but could always just spray some warm water onto a cloth and very carefully dab it.
ouch, lucky u werent smoking at the time or something :p uhhh i woudlnt imagine it would damage the foam as i wouldnt think its the kinda that alcohol disolves.. ofcourse i could be wrong, just touch it and see it some rubs off or if it smudges, then theres a bit of trouble, and well all the alcohol shoudl just evapourate leaving u with a pretty smelling sub :) but could always just spray some warm water onto a cloth and very carefully dab it.

I can't get the front off, I unscrewed the 4 screws but the front seems to be glued on or something, I can't get to the woofer itself. Also wouldn't taring the front off void warranty ?

BTW it seems to power up fine, atm I'm using headphones but tomoz I'll use the speakers again, hope the damn thing isn't broken.
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Watch out with women around the house they might start rubbing it up and down of and start sitting on it requesting certain pulsatin bass heavy tunes ;)
Should be ok, i mean its protected by the casing isn't it?

No there are holes in the front '' grill'' and it's gone through that on to the cone.
Seems to work fine atm but I haven't tried extremely high levels of music yet ( eg. full volume. never mind boost 11 or even boost 22 on some bassy song)
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