Jack Tompson makes me laugh

I've heard of his stupid claims a couple times before. He's incredibly ignorant and calling all gamers potential murderers is a bit stupid.I'd like him to say that infront of my 6 yr old cousin while hes messing around on WoW , because i would seriously give him a black eye.
Considering how many times he's been made to look like a fool, I hardly and anyone with half a brain cell will care what he says. Still I'm starting to think the man is some sort of walking parody now.
Those reports indicated that the prime suspect, Kurt Edward Neher, murdered his victim because the victim would not allow Neher to borrow his car. In Thompson's words, this is "the same scenario in 'Grand Theft Auto," presumably referring to the fact that the game features, well, grand theft auto and gratuitous violenc
Hmm clutching at straws there a bit :p
So if I killed someone because they had my family murdered, it would be Max Payne's fault. Clearly I would not consider revenge for the death of my loved ones if I had never played Max Payne.
I wondered what happened to ol' Jack, he doesn't get much time in the media spot light these days.

The whole fiasco he had with Penny Arcade was a great laugh, when he refused to pay up, when those people built his game.
DEL 707 said:
I wondered what happened to ol' Jack, he doesn't get much time in the media spot light these days.

I believe he's actually been barred from practising as a lawer because he broke some rule on a videogame violence case he was working on. Now he just spouts his crap through the media, he can't actually do anything about it.

The real one to worry about is Hilary Clinton, who is very much in favour of making any violent games completely banned, and has a lot more credibility than wacko jacko thompson.
KadreMoD said:
I've heard of his stupid claims a couple times before. He's incredibly ignorant and calling all gamers potential murderers is a bit stupid.I'd like him to say that infront of my 6 yr old cousin while hes messing around on WoW , because i would seriously give him a black eye.

He is calling us violent. Threatening to punch him isnt the kind of response we want to encourage lol.

What about when kids play cops and robbers, cowbows and indians. Will that make them want to kill? No using the imagination please you might want to kill things...

Its not our fault that we have technolgy and they had cap guns...
chimaera said:
The real one to worry about is Hilary Clinton, who is very much in favour of making any violent games completely banned, and has a lot more credibility than wacko jacko thompson.

Just remember its big companies that own these games that are paying their campaign bills. Plus we dont live in America so who cares what she does lol
bloodline76 said:
Just remember its big companies that own these games that are paying their campaign bills. Plus we dont live in America so who cares what she does lol

I dunno she's not Republican so she might not take corporate bribes ;)

Ahh sometimes i actually like living over here....not too often mind :p
bloodline76 said:
Plus we dont live in America so who cares what she does lol
Even so it would have a big effect on us. A lot of these games come from american studios and if they can't be released in the US market they probably would stop making them. Even developers in other countries might think twice about making a violent game knowing that they can't sell it over there.
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