Jacobs going to Administration

:( fail i thought this was Crackers

Serious note :( not good, but had no idea they exist until now.
Sadly, most of the smaller retailers are going to the wall, and have been for the last 5 or so years. In Wrexham, there's only Jessops left. The two smaller family shops that were around for over 30 years, both closed. The same happened with family run computer shops when PCs started becoming popular, and now it's the same with music shops too. Sadly, the more popular something becomes, the more the major retailers grab the market, costing the hard working family or small business their livelihood :(
One of the really big issues is greedy landlords, business rent and rates is now so high that family businesses really struggle to afford them let alone compete with online prices as well.

Saying that, I like to support my local camera shop yet it's service really sucks, I worked in retail management for 20 years and their service is poor, ignored, short answers and really unhelpful. It seems almost like a photo clique there and I find it difficult to use them as I don't feel there attitude deserves it.
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