Jailbreak 3GS 4.3.1 to 5.1.1?

18 Oct 2002
Since the debacle regarding my silly sister breaking her iPhone 4S but declaring she didn't do anything she has been given an iPhone 3GS by someone, but its locked to a different network


I downloaded PwnageTool and 5.1.1 (it's currently on 4.3.1 atm), it created the custom IPSW and I put it into DFU and loaded iTunes to alt-restore the custom file...but iTunes keeps saying its not eligible for this firmware.

Now I've already edited my host file to block gs.apple.com, and cleared the cache but it still won't update/restore.

What am I doing wrong?? :confused:
Hasn't Apple stopped signing 5.1.1 for the 3GS, as it supports iOS 6? If you don't have the SHSH blobs for the device for that particular firmware version then you're SOL.
Hmm I was hoping to use 5+ so it has icloud features to get back contacts etc from icloud.

If I update to 6.01 is there a jailbreak/unlock yet?
Managed to get it unlocked over O2 chat! Seriously I couldn't figure it out at all, so pretty glad its now officially unlocked and restored/updated to 6.01! :p
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