Jailbreak or not? (3G)

13 May 2008
Had my iPhone for a week or so now, Its a PAYG 8GB 3G on o2.

Now I have been wondering wether to jailbreak it or not. What are the pros of jailbreaking? what can I do with it?

Also, whats the cons of doing it?

And finally, say I jailbreak it (currently using 2.0.1 FW the recent one) and a new firmware comes out (e.g 2.2) can I still upgrade my firmware even though it will be jailbroken, or do I have to update & then jail break it again (providing this is a jailbreak update to crack 2.2).


Edit* I remember seeing a Jailbreak thread around here a few weeks back, was pretty long and people posted all their stuff, screenshots and information, but can't seem to find it..
Well there's a guide here, until I can get my own guide up on these forums.

All the files you need to download are on the site too. Make sure you have iTunes 8 and restore to 2.1 before running Quickpwn.

Thanks. Think I might aswell do it, is they a risk of bricking the phone? or is it a case of if it goes wrong, just restore the standard firmward?

Also, you say restore to 2.1, in my about settings on the phone it says im on version 2.1? do I still need to 'restore' the iphone before going ahead?
It's best to restore to make sure the process works. You can restore from a backup once it's jailbroken.

1. Make sure iTunes 8 is open.
2. Switch off your phone.
3. Hold down the home button and plug it in to the PC.
4. Keep holding down the home button until iTunes recognises it as in recovery mode.
5. Hit restore and it will put 2.1 on the phone.
6. Follow the QuickPwn instructions.

Cheers dude, gonna give it a try this savvo after work. One more question, can you brick your iphone from doing this process?
Well, I jailbroken it. (really easy to do, didnt think it would be that easy). but after a hour or so I decided to restore back, didnt see the point as majority of the apps etc you could get where either watermarked with a website to go to, or was just useless tack, i.e 'fog horn for your phone'? lol
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