Jailbreaking info (yes another thread....)

23 Dec 2002
Under my desk
Firstly, appologies if this isn't allowed

I've had a good search around the net and on here, but I've just managed to confuse myself!

I have an iPhone 3g running the latest apple updates via iTunes and was thinking about jailbreaking to run MSN in the background, run custom tones and wallpapers - not interested in unlocking as I'm on a 18th Month with o2.

So is it as simple as this?
1. Backup in Itunes so contacts and stuff are synced
2. Run QuickPwn22 (windows) with firmware iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.IPSW
3. ummm, do I need to do anything special or is that it?

That's about it really - I'm a bit confused, so can anyone give me some pointers?

Cheers :)
cool! Thanks :)

Oh, another couple while I think about it, I've seen some info relating to using quickpwn in advanced mode and increasing the OS partition to 1000mb, is this something that I have to do, or should I just do it in basic mode first?
Finally (for the mo!) I'm guessing all the wireless and stuff'll work ok once it's done?

Cheers :)
Not seen anything about increasing the os size, so can't comment on it. I have done my iphone aswell and I just ran quickpwn without any advanced mode and it worked. Had no problems with the phone including the wifi.
i have looked at doing my iphone 3G but was put off when someone said their iphone ran slower after they jail broke it, is this true dose it run a bit slower ?

also if i was to jailbreak my iphone what are the best apps to put on as i hear names like summerboard, winterboard, Cydia.....
i have looked at doing my iphone 3G but was put off when someone said their iphone ran slower after they jail broke it, is this true dose it run a bit slower ?

also if i was to jailbreak my iphone what are the best apps to put on as i hear names like summerboard, winterboard, Cydia.....

When you Jailbreak it with QuickPwn, it installs Cydia. Cydia is just the hacked equivelent of the App Store... it's the front end that categorises all of the apps you can install.

Winterboard is a good install as it allows you to theme the iPhone, from complete themes that change all of the icons, colours, backgrounds, sounds, to partial themes, that change just the icons, or just the colours, etc.

SwirlyMMS is supposed to be pretty good for all of your MMS needs.
I'm tempted to JB too. I wish I hadn't given away my Touch now as I could have used that as a test platform before doing my 3G like I used to.

Jailbreaking shouldn't make your phone run slower, infact quite the opposite since you can switch off various OS services that run in the background, well you could in the early days. I just want to JB so I can use the superb Intelliscreen app again - sick of Apples daft no background apps rule that limits good apps.

Edit: Just done the JB in 2mins :p Will let you know how reliable things are.
Edit: All my old data is in place and accessible. Internet and calls are working fine. Just the obvious two new icons - Cydia and Installer :D
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Edit: All my old data is in place and accessible. Internet and calls are working fine. Just the obvious two new icons - Cydia and Installer :D

Does this include the SMS history? Just want 100% clarification of this before I jailbrake my iPhone.
Indeed SMS history was one thing that I was also concerned about and that is intact, as is my mail folders. Everything is roughly the same bar two new icons.

So far I've installed Bosstools so I can remove the pesky stock Weather and Stocks icons. Now I'm just working on getting email/sms notifications in the top taskbar, then I'll get the Buuf theme up.

Edit: Balls, I can't get 5-Icon Dock working. I think it isn't compatible with winterboard. Arf, gonna need a bigger battery :o

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Indeed SMS history was one thing that I was also concerned about and that is intact, as is my mail folders. Everything is roughly the same bar two new icons.

So far I've installed Bosstools so I can remove the pesky stock Weather and Stocks icons. Now I'm just working on getting email/sms notifications in the top taskbar, then I'll get the Buuf theme up.

Edit: Balls, I can't get 5-Icon Dock working. I think it isn't compatible with winterboard. Arf, gonna need a bigger battery :o


5-Icon Dock does work with WinterBoard. Don't know if it's because of the theme you're running though.

After it's installed you just have to drag another icon down there.
Yup got it working in the end. I've just been out with the family tonight and have noticed something odd. Whilst driving to a restaurant I had the no service symbol up, and whilst at the restaurant the same thing. It's quite weird and I'm not sure what is causing this but my signal bars are all over the place. Need to investigate further but its just probably an isolated issue.

Edit: Quick update. It seems there are two issues at hand here. The Jailbreak was flawless and I have a few JB apps running without issues. However the signal strength bar fluctuates heavily between No Service and 2-3 bars, changing every 20secs or so. Secondly 3G is just not happening and I rarely see the 3G icon. Attempting to use Safari just results in a 'cannot connect to server' message 90% of the time. I have no apps that could be causing this so I am baffled. This is on a 2.2 iphone 3G.
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I would JB mine again, but the slowness of the last JB was annoying as hell! Typing just got so bloody slow after a few weeks so Im seeing how the non-JB goes for now. I dont miss anything though really except a few apps
I am restoring now just to see how my signal bars and 3G behave. I can't understand why I was having that issue, but then this is my first iPhone JB, as I normally would JB my Touch.

Edit: Issue solved, I think. Settings/General/Reset -> Reset Network Settings seemed to have solved the 3G issue, but it is a widespread problem it seems. A lot of people are having issues getting 3G working right with any network.
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I Jailbroke my 3g iphone yesterday, no issues at all so far.

Currently I have installed:


What are the other "must have" cydia apps?
Cannot highly recommend Five Icon Dock for obvious reasons :)


Status Notifier and Notifier Widget - adds notification icons in your lock screen and top status bar as seen Here.

Aside from BossPrefs (a must) and Winterboard, that is all I have installed. I am shying away from themes right now because all of them are tacky, aside from the Buuf theme.
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